This research examines the effect of sociostructural variables such as sex, ethnicity, parental education, and urban-rural origin on the Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) of the WISC-V in a sample of 480 Chilean schoolchildren. Factorial ANOVAs and MANOVAs were conducted to determine the main effects and interactions among sociostructural variables on FSIQ and its seven subtests. The results in the total sample reflect that only urban-rural origin had a significant effect on FSIQ. At the subtest level, five main effects were found according to origin and only one according to sex. In the rural subsample, no main effect was significant for FSIQ, and in the subtests, one effect was found for schooling, one for ethnicity, and one double and one triple interaction. This research highlights the role of sociostructural variables as contributing factors in explaining differences in overall cognitive performance and specific domains. The results are discussed, and suggestions are provided to enhance best practices in psychological assessment using the WISC-V.
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