Burnout Syndrome in leaders and subordinates: a job demands-resources model



This study had three objectives: 1. To test the moderating role of the leader or subordinates occupation on the predictive relationship of emotional demands, emotional dissonance, conflicts and burnout syndrome (BS); 2. Test the mediating effect of emotional intelligence in the predictive relationship of emotional demands, emotional dissonance and conflicts over the BS in leaders; 3. Test the mediating effect of leadership behavior in the predictive relationship of emotional demands, emotional dissonance and conflicts over the SB in the subordinates. The sample consisted of 581 participants, 379 subordinates and 202 leaders who answered a questionnaire on sociodemographic and labor data, Spanish Burnout Inventory, 3IC Triple Conflict Scale and two subscales of emotional work. Specifically for leaders, Emotional Intelligence and for subordinates the Leadership Behavior Scale. The results evaluated through structural equations revealed that the role of subordinates has a moderating role in the relationship between Emotional dissonance and the BS. The dimensions of Sociability and Self-Motivation of Emotional intelligence functioned as mediators between Emotional dissonance and BS in the group of leaders, and empowering leadership acted as a mediator between task-focused Cognitive Conflict and BS. 


burnout syndrome, job demands-resources, leaders, subordinates, worker's health


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