This study focuses on the existing relation between perceptions of discrimination for performing non-traditional activities and the subjective psychological wellbeing levels. 81 volunteer women who exercise works, defined by themselves and by external judges as traditionally played by men, participated (aged between 18 to 52 years, with an average of 34 years.). All of them develop their work in the city of Punta Arenas, Chile. An intentional nonrandom sample and non-experimental cross-correlation design were used. Questionnaires were used to measure both, psychological well-being and perception of discrimination. The results for psychological well-being suggest that the observed average of the sample falls within 55 percentile compared with regional standards by gender. Regarding the perception of discrimination, the global average indicates that perceived levels of discrimination are in intermediated levels compared to the theoretical scale, in others words; they show intermediate levels of discrimination perception because of their jobs. The correlation’s analyses indicate the existence of a negative association between both variables. To assess the relationship between well-being and the perception of subtle discrimination, this association becomes marginally significant, while the correlation in the case of blatant discrimination is particularly high. These results are discussed in terms of the costs of questioning traditional roles and their implications for the new generations.
Psychological well-being, perceived bias, female stereotype, traditional roles, work identity
Bahamondes Cvietkovich, M., Miranda Palacios, S., Avendaño Alarcón, S., & Estrada Goic, C. (2017). Psychological well-being in women performing traditionally male occupations. Revista De Psicología, 26(1).