The aim of this work was to analyze the self-efficacy, social participation and perception of the university services between men and women who study at a higher education institution in Michoacán, Mexico. The study was quantitative and transversal. A total of 587 university students participated. They answered a Self-Efficacy Scale, a Social Participation Scale, and a Questionnaire of the Use and Satisfaction of the Services Delivered to the Students. There were found differences in pressure resistance and sport self-efficacy. More social participation was found in men than in women, and a low contact with the university services in both groups. In conclusion, more diffusion of the university services is required to call the attention of the students, and to promote these services in order to increase the perception of self-efficacy, and social participation in men and in women.
university students, self-efficacy, social participation, services, higher education
Rivera Heredia, M. E., Martínez Fuentes, M., González Betanzos, F., & Salazar García, M. A. (2017). Self-Efficacy, Social Participation, and Perception Regarding University Services by Sex. Revista De Psicología, 25(2).