In the context of a decentralized policy in this country, a qualitative type research is
being carried out at present on intersectorialism in Region VI. Understood as a
methodological intervention with the participation of several representatives of
institutions pertaining to diverse sectors, it looks to obtain a greater impact on the solution of social problems revolving around the issue of overcoming poverty. The results permit production of ten types of intersectorial actions, which can go all the way from vast institutional participation to a restricted collaborative action of a single institution. There also appear forms of joint intervention and others, subject to criticism, due to their strong institutional egocentrism. Finally, as a product of the data obtained, a meta-network intersectorial model is proposed that looks not only towards a joint institutional action but also towards an adequate articulation with the regional government. Financed by FONDECYT Research Grant Nº 1000830 in the area of Community Psychology.