Throughout the processes of sociolabour tutorial with youngsters at risk: roles and tensions from a social constructionist` perspective
Felipe Gálvez S.
Psicólogo de la Universidad de Chile, profesor asistente del Departamento de Psicología de dicha universidad. Formado en el Centro Milanese di Terapia Sistemica en Milán
Sonia Pérez T.
Doctora en Psicología Social y del Desarrollo de la Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore de Milán, Italia, y profesora asistente del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Chile
Pamela Bernales B.
Psicóloga de la Universidad de Chile, profesora de programas de postgrado de dicha casa de estudios y Magíster en Análisis Sistémico aplicado a la sociedad
Nowadays Public policies related to labor insertion in our country plead for an integral approach to the problematic of youth unemployment towards the incorporation of the development of psychosocial and socio-labor competences that operate in the base of employability. This new perspective represents great importance in the policies that are directed to young people who are in a vulnerable situation; hence the most recent of these programs -Jóvenes Bicentenario- includes in its components the Project Tutorías Sociolaborales oriented to offer a professional tutor of Social Sciences to guide them. The present article makes a review, from socioconstruccionism, through the epistemologic bases and the tensions from the praxis of this new component, by analyzing its process of monitoring
Socio-labor tutor, socioconstruccionism, social intervention in vulnerable young people
Gálvez S., F., Pérez T., S., & Bernales B., P. (2009). Throughout the processes of sociolabour tutorial with youngsters at risk: roles and tensions from a social constructionist` perspective. Revista De Psicología, 18(1), Pág. 61–81.