This paper presents a theoretical discussion focused on how to conceive the careers of union activists. Sociology has helped to build three antagonist figures of activist: the structure activist, the professional activist and the illuminated activist. Each one attempts to explain activist behavior by an exclusive logic: the first, by the socialization logic; the second, by the strategic logic; the third, by the subjectivation logic. Following the line of several contemporary authors, the integration of these three models is proposed by using an approach focused on the notion of event as a trigger of a subjectivation process, and on the notion of space as a set of possible combinations of strategies and social determinations.
Unionism, activism, social theory, subjectivity, subject, careers, life history
Gutiérrez Crocco, F. (2010). Chilean Union Activism. Subjectivation, strategy and socialization in individual careers. Revista De Psicología, 19(1), Pág. 108–128.