A normative notion of justice and goverment in mexican mining in the XVIII and XIX centuries


  • Oriel Gómez Mendoza Profesor e Investigador de la Facultad de Historia de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


The division of government and justice in what concerns to mining in Mexico, was only possible due to two main things: the liberal discourse and a series of processes tending to burry the so called “ancient regime”, despite the efforts from the latter to avoid disappearance during the XIX century. The transition, from that old order to this new one, is a process of multiple dimensions, starting from the despotic model and going through to the ideas of the creoles, and also considering the patriotic meetings, the independence, the republic, the reforms and finally the Porfirio Diaz regime. All the above led the justice administration and the function of the government, in the matter of mining, to a certain differentiation between their responsibilities, especially about the concept of sovereignty the new born country should follow. Therefore, this paper examines those questions following the norms established in mining.


Normative notion, Mining, Justice and Government, Mexico