Cuestiones institucionales en e! Acuerdo de 1994 relativo la parte XI de la Convención sobre el Derecho del Mar


  • Felipe H. Paolillo


The Agreement of July 1994 introduced profound changes in the rules of Part XI of the Convention on the Law of the Sea that regulate the procedures for the adoption of decisions in the Assembly and the Council, the composition of the latter and the distribution of powers between the two organs. As a result of these changes, the supremacy that the Council in fact had over the Assembly (only formally "the supreme organ" in the Convention system) is accentuated and the position within the first of the industrialized countries is strengthened, which have now with the possibility of controlling and guiding the management of the Authority.


Convention on the Law of the Sea, International Seabed Authority, Assembly, Council, United Nations

Author Biography

Felipe H. Paolillo

Licenciado en derecho; ex-secretario general adjunto de las Naciones Unidas para el derecho del mar; ex-embajador de Uruguay ante las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York; ha dictado cursos y conferencias en diversas instituciones y es autor de numerosas publicaciones sobre derecho internacional público general, integración económica, derecho del mar, etc.; actualmente es director de Organismos Internacionales y Asuntos Especíales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Uruguay.