Williamsburg : ¿Un giro definitivo en las relaciones hemisféricas de seguridad?


  • Francisco Rojas Aravena


The end of the Cold War changed the type of relations between Latin America and the United States in all areas, especially in security. The new topics on the agenda raise fundamental questions about key concepts such as sovereignty, interdependence, cooperation and international alliances. The first meeting of Defense Ministers held in Williamsburg was a significant event in the context of the redefinition of US policy toward Latin America. This event is forcing the countries of the region to redesign the courses of action in the field of defense in the hemisphere. This article analyzes the main views on international changes and the guidelines of the United States' security policy towards the region. Finally, the challenges that the development of a summit diplomacy, as opposed to a multilateral diplomacy, represents for Latin American politics.


United States, Latin America, Security and Defense, Inter-American Relations, Summit Diplomacy

Author Biography

Francisco Rojas Aravena

Master en ciencias políticas; especialista en relaciones internacionales y seguridad internacional; coordinador del área de relaciones internacionales y militares de FLACSO-Chile y co-Director del Programa Paz y Seguridad en las Américas; es profesor visitante del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile y profesor invitado de la Universidad de Stanford en su campus de Santiago; director de la revista Fuerzas Armadas y Sociedad; además es autor y editor de una decena de libros y artículos sobre temas de seguridad.