Factor de amenaza y ejes de la percepción de amenaza chilena : ¿Qué política de defensa para Chile?


  • Cristián Leyton


Despite globalizing systemic changes, state entities continue to be immersed in a virtual state of international nature. This immanent characteristic of state units makes the latter tend to perceive any action, intention and / or capacity of the states that surround them as potentially threatening their economic, cultural, military and political security. The degree of interstate integration and cooperation matters little since there is no supranational body capable of monopolizing the use of legitimate force, so the threat factor will constitute the central characteristic in any international relationship. This means that the threat factor it cannot be, in any case suppressed, only controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to shed light on both the concept and the traditional threat factors that have affected the political-military security of the Chilean State.


Strategic Studies, Threat Perception, Chile, Interstate Threat, Defense Policy

Author Biography

Cristián Leyton

Bachelor ciencia política área relaciones internacionales y Master of Arts en ciencia política área estudios estratégicos y relaciones internacionales, Universíté du Quebec a Montréal (UQAM), Canadá; especialista en política de defensa y seguridad israelí y canadiense, así como en política extranjera de la Federación Rusa y Canadá; alumno magíster ciencias militares, Academia de Guerra; investigador asociado del Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos y del Espacio (CEADE) de la FACH