Opposition to the conciliation agreement by the Labour Office in the complaint for anti-trade union practices


  • Florencia Lizazo Gubinski Abogada, Uruguay, Chile


At present, when the Labour Inspection Service appears in court for anti-trade union practices, it does so as a party and never as a third party. However, in practice and despite being part of the process, it is not part of the conciliation agreement. This means that it cannot assert its right to complain, therefore the possible consequences of the opposition to a conciliation agreement on the part of the Labour Office cannot be known either, when acting within the framework of Section 486 of the Labour Code, its position is the one of a party as a third party Litisconsorcial. In addition, the Labour Inspection Service does not have the power to dispose, consequently consideration should be given to which its action, powers and limitations should be when facing a conciliation agreement, if it understands that the injurious conduct through which an agreement might be reached is unaffected.


Procedural party, procedural action, denunciation, litisconsorcial, anti-trade union practices, conciliatory.

Author Biography

Florencia Lizazo Gubinski, Abogada, Uruguay, Chile

Florencia Lizazo Gubinski es abogada, egresada de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Magister en Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile. Correo electrónico: floligu@gmail.com.