

This article aims at studying the internationalization of César Aira’s literature by focusing on the analysis of the translating process of his books into English without assessing the translations, but by exploring how they produce meaning and how they deal with elements from the source culture. The corpus consists of the first titles translated by the four translators in charge of Aira’s works. The article traces the histories of each translation with data from the examination of archival material, databases, and interviews with translators and publishers. The comparative and historical analysis focuses on the ways titles are chosen, the plot and structures of the books, the trajectories of the translators, the paratexts, and the ways specific cultural elements and elements specific to Aira’s literature are translated. This case study raises questions on the conditions of production of translations and on the dichotomies between domestication and foreignization, text and context, an original and translation, by suggesting that the early translations of Aira’s books, which employ strategies reproducing foreign ideas of the local, later on became new ways of universalization highlighting the singular characteristics of a particular style.


Translation, Internationalization, Latin American literature, César Aira


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