Within the framework of communicative/discursive production with which the Mapuche people reflects on their current cultural contact with Western Chilean society, this article addresses the construction of a narrative of the Mapuche nation, specifically through textualization processes of current poetic discourse. It is argued that this narrative refers to and is characterized by textual transmitter’s processes of self-identification linked to the recognition of a Mapuche national identity, the symbolic dimension of an imaginary construct of nation, the construction of national borders, and a predominantly intracultural discursive orientation, from which arises an ongoing debate regarding the possibility of an emerging national literature.
Poetry, Mapuche, narrative, nation, national literature
García Barrera, M. (2015). La narrativa de la nación en el discurso poético mapuche. Prolegómenos de una literatura nacional. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (90). Retrieved from https://revistapsicologia.uchile.cl/index.php/RCL/article/view/37616
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