El ministerio público y el fiscal en Chile. Notas para el estudio de su historia institucional


  • Claudio Barahona Gallardo Universidad de Chile y Sociedad Chilena de Historia del Derecho y Derecho Romano
  • Roberto Cerón Reyes Universidad de Chile y Sociedad Chilena de Historia del Derecho y Derecho Romano
  • Felipe Peroti Díaz Universidad de Chile y Sociedad Chilena de Historia del Derecho y Derecho Romano


Among the various studies that can be found about the history of both the "Real Audiencia"and the Supreme Court, there has been a void conceming the transition of the "MinisterioPúblico" between the Indian Chile and the republican country. Such process must be explainedthrough the changes experimented by the Indian justice administration, including the Chileanone, beginning with the illustrated bourbon reforms of the x wc~en tury. These are maintainedin the first national constitutionalism, and they adapt in the face of the establishment of therepublican Constitutional State. Precisely, the institution of the "Ministerio Público" representssuch process, keeping some characteristic notes of the Indian prosecutor; at the same timechanging its organization and structure to the new institutional requirements demanded bythe republican govemment.


Judicial system - Attomey general - Prosecutor- Constitutional State