El estatuto jurídico de la acción catequística en la legislación sinodal chilena del periodo indiano


  • María Inés Concha Contreras Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


It presents the juridical statute of the catechist action in four synodes efectuated in Chile during the indian period, one from the La Imperial diocese celebrated in the XVIII cenhuy and three from the Santiago diocese; two celebrated in the XVII century and one in the XVIII century. It presents the structure of the catechist based in the dispositions from the Third Council of Lima, assembly that along the roya1 laws and the synodal legislation conformated the actions of the evangelization process of the inhabitants of the voting dioceses from the metropolis of Lima. In order to accomplish that, the dispositions related to the agents and instruments of catechesis are studied, the periodic, permanent and sacramental catechesis and the diverse special catechesis.    


catechism - catechistic action - sacramental catechesis - ordinary catechesis