“And God created man in his image and likeness” theological evaluation of the human condition in its relationship with its peers, history and creation


  • Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce Académico Instructor Adjunto en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica de Chile y de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado


From a biblical approach, it is intended to propose some theological and anthropological reflections on the question of the human condition defined as the kind creation of God, thus demolishing the false understanding that the body, and all humanity, is contrary to God to Platonic mode. Humanity, a project loved by God, allows the unique human being to relate to himself, but also to other humans, to history, to creation and to his Creator, of whom his image is first and foremost. This multirelational nature of the human being is propitiated by the Creator God himself who is constantly related to the human being, who acts in history and who has created an ecological space in which the human creature experiences the aforementioned connections.


Genesis – Theological Anthropology – Jesus Christ – ecology – human condition

Author Biography

Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce, Académico Instructor Adjunto en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica de Chile y de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Licenciado en Educación y Profesor de Religión y Filosofía, Universidad Católica del Maule. Magíster en Teología Fundamental, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.