
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

The Colombian transition process and some of its challenges



This text seeks to present to the reader, in a simplified manner, the main modifications provided by the Colombian transition system proposed in the peace agreement concluded between the Government and the FARC guerrilla. The peace agreement is complex and innovative, but its content has produced multiple misunderstandings and misinformation. One of the points of debate and confusion refers to the mechanisms of transitional justice and their implications. This text seeks to make accessible to a broad public (even not aware of the Colombian case) certain essential aspects agreed around the transitional justice system and to detect some of the legal challenges
on what was agreed between the parties. Particularly, it will focus on the criminal benefits granted by the agreement and the perspective of restorative justice that inspires it.


Colombia, peace agreement, legal challenges of the transition, human rights

Author Biography

Laura Betancur-Restrepo, Universidad de Los Andes

Laura Betancur-Restrepo es abogada, filósofa y doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Profesora asociada de la Facultad de Derecho y profesora coordinadora de la Maestría en Construcción de Paz de Universidad de los Andes. Tiene un DEA en Derecho Internacional y Organizaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Francia, y un DSU en Derecho Internacional Público de la Universidad Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Francia. Fue directora de
la Maestría en Derecho Internacional en la Universidad de los Andes. Ha trabajado y sido consultora de ONG internacionales de derechos humanos en Francia y Suiza. Es miembro fundador del proyecto REDIAL (Repensar la Educación del Derecho Internacional en América Latina).