Gender violence in Clarín and La Nación newspapers. Of hegemonic senses and political uses


  • Ana Soledad Gil Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


In this paper we approach to the senses that, argentine newspapers, in the case of Clarín and La Nación, adjudge to gender violence. In the last years, the problem has become very visible. This represents an achievement of women's and feminist movements in alliance with journalists committed to trying to influence the agenda of the media, by incorporating these issues. However, their treatment requires our attention because gender violence has specific implications on the lives of women and, tendentious, biased and androcentric treatment contributes to the naturalization of this violence. The role of the mass media is essential.


Gender violence, newspapers, senses, common sense

Author Biography

Ana Soledad Gil, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Becaria postgrado de CONICET. Licenciada en Comunicación Social y doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Diplomada en Comunicación y Género por la Universidad Nacional de San Martín y la Asociación Civil Comunicar Igualdad. Docente adscripta e integrante de equipos de investigación en la UNCuyo.