Medical students must shape their future work, before, during and after their student life. It is a necessity for
physicians in general from their student stage to have an apprenticeship based on what they must perform for their later
professional work activity. This school development of learning is usually influenced by the form of the curricula that each
of the educational institutions allow. In most of them, the privileges that students have during their trajectory are granted
through the grade point averages they have in each school cycle. Very often, achieving the privileges offered by schools creates
bioethical problems for students who have professional learning as an alternative. The confrontation of this dilemma can
cause alterations in the student’s school development and even in his physical or mental health.
Bustos Saldaña, R. . (2022). Learning or grading: an ethical dilemma in medical students. Acta Bioethica, 28(2), pp. 311–319. Retrieved from